Average Part-Time Earnings in Canada: Waiter/Waitress and Dishwasher Salaries Revealed

Part-time jobs are a common way for many Canadians to supplement their income, gain work experience, or balance work with other life commitments. Two such jobs that are often available are waitstaff and dishwashing positions in the food service industry. However, the earnings from these jobs can vary widely depending on factors such as location, experience, and the specific establishment. In this article, we will delve into the average earnings for part-time waitstaff and dishwashers in Canada.

Average Part-Time Earnings for Waitstaff in Canada

In Canada, the average wage for part-time waitstaff is around .20 per hour, according to data from the Canadian government. However, this figure can be somewhat misleading as it does not take into account tips, which can significantly boost a waiter or waitress’s income. In fact, in many establishments, tips can make up the majority of a waitstaff member’s earnings.

It’s also important to note that wages can vary by province. For example, in Alberta, the minimum wage is per hour, which is higher than the national average. On the other hand, in provinces like New Brunswick, the minimum wage is lower at .70 per hour.

Average Part-Time Earnings for Dishwashers in Canada

For dishwashers, the average part-time wage in Canada is slightly lower, at around .60 per hour. Unlike waitstaff, dishwashers typically do not receive tips, so their earnings are more straightforward. However, they may receive a share of the tips in some establishments.

Again, wages can vary by province. In Alberta, dishwashers can expect to earn a minimum of per hour, while in New Brunswick, the minimum wage is .70 per hour.

Factors Influencing Earnings

There are several factors that can influence the earnings of part-time waitstaff and dishwashers in Canada. These include:

  • Location: As mentioned earlier, wages can vary by province. Additionally, wages can also be higher in cities compared to rural areas.
  • Experience: Those with more experience in the industry may be able to command higher wages.
  • Establishment: Higher-end restaurants may pay their staff more than casual dining establishments.

In conclusion, while part-time jobs as waitstaff or dishwashers may not offer high wages, they can provide valuable work experience and a flexible work schedule. Additionally, for waitstaff in particular, tips can significantly boost earnings.